Wednesday, January 28, 2009


hit this link

then tell me that skinny white dude in the middle isnt my long lost twin brother... fucking trippy maaan!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

6 months

ive been away for over 6 months and if i had filmed me dancing every day, it would look something like this.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Good year
Worked for ten weeks.
Went to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane for the first time.
Also went to London, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, New York, California, Vegas, Mexico and Canada.
made alot of new friends and had a lot of great times.. COOL
plans for 2009 - finish off snow season in canada, come home and work my ass off til the end of the year and take off again, plus be huge bad ass for another year and not have a lame girl friend. living!

21st, me with pro boogieboarderz dudez

delby got me drunk in adelaide.

good head in france

mexico boogieboarding

run for your life

