i forgot to add cold world - dedicated to babies who came feet first to that list.. oh well
they were defs one of the best live sets i saw this year.
fuck.. come to think of it, i left A LOT of good stuff out. its hard to make lists.. bloody hard.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
1.Blacklisted - Heavier than Heaven, Lonelier than God

2.fucked up - the chemistry of common life

3.life long tragedy - runaways

4.paint it black - new lexicon

5.verse - aggression

6.killing the dream - fractures

7.misery signals - controller

8.young widows - old wounds

9.have heart - songs to scream at the sun

10.cursed - III

and then...
11.trash talk - trash talk
12.polar bear club - somethings just disappear
13.defeater - travels
14.final fight - half head, full shred
15. mind eraser - glacial reign
16.to kill - aybss
17.antagonist A.D - we are the dead
18.the legacy - beyond hurt beyond hell
19.the banner - frailty
20.trap them - seizures in barren praise
1.Blacklisted - Heavier than Heaven, Lonelier than God

2.fucked up - the chemistry of common life

3.life long tragedy - runaways

4.paint it black - new lexicon

5.verse - aggression

6.killing the dream - fractures

7.misery signals - controller

8.young widows - old wounds

9.have heart - songs to scream at the sun

10.cursed - III

and then...
11.trash talk - trash talk
12.polar bear club - somethings just disappear
13.defeater - travels
14.final fight - half head, full shred
15. mind eraser - glacial reign
16.to kill - aybss
17.antagonist A.D - we are the dead
18.the legacy - beyond hurt beyond hell
19.the banner - frailty
20.trap them - seizures in barren praise
last few weeks
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
today back home is ryan's funeral, i got a bottle of rum and im going to have a good night. i think i learnt to party from that guy cause he was pretty much on another level compared to everyone else, i watched him and joel hawaii 05/06 drink every night , plus the night ryan got knocked from the pipe comp by an asian girl bodyboarder, haha soo funny and in a weird way we all kinda of looked up to him in what he did in such a short time.
ill see you soon mate
ill see you soon mate
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
i bloody better get to see this band before i leave canada. would defs do a hellmosh to them.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Daylight was coming up, me and alex had been out all night in Lisbon, we were talking to this car load of german girls that were parked on the side of the street, we had been chatting for a bit and they were going to give us a lift back to where we were staying because they were staying close by. this poutigues guy about the same age came up and sort of joined into the conversation, he was pretty suss looking and after a while we hinted to the girls that we should get going.
Thats when this guy got all werid, like super jelouse or something, then we exchanged words with him telling him to chill out or whatever, and he totally flips out, grabs alex and tries to pick pocket him in front of everyone, hes in a mad rush trying to slam his hand into alex pocket, where he's camera was. luckely alex is wearing mad skin tight jeans so its pretty much impossible for himself to get into the pockets let alone anyone else. me and alex are like what the fuck are you doing and it turns into a bit of scuffles with no punches, we push the dude away and tell him to get the fuck out of here, he pretty much just turns and runs up the street. while all that was going down the car of girls freaked out and took of aswell.
So alex and myself are like what the fuck just happened, that all happened in about 20 seconds, we decide to get a taxi out of here before we get in anymore trouble. we head up the street a bit and wait to wave down a cab, theres a few other people doing the same thing, and we talk to an english couple telling them what had just happen. we had only been waiting for around 5 minutes, when i see the guy who just tried to jump us walking back down, so i open my big mouth and start giving him a mouth full, when all of a sudden the mother fucker pulls out a smashed bottle from behind he's back and holds it directly inline with my face about a foot away. the english couple totally shit them self and run down the street. he had the bottle held up at me, then turned straight to alex and started walking him backwards.
I pretty much froze up and didnt know what to do. i didn't know if i should just run in a full king hit this prick, chuck a full brock lesnar death clutch hammer time on hes face or stay calm and get alex out of it to make a run for it, i was pretty much yelling "What the fuck are you thinking" whilst alex was just saying, "its all right, put down the bottle." Next thing I know alex has pushed this guy over and the guy ripped Alex's shirt while falling down, and we make a run for it up the street and around the corner.
We sat for a bit, still in shock and pretty shaken up. where we were sitting, we could see him but he couldn't see us, cause we were higher up. we saw he was walking up the road to come have another go at us. thats when i picked up an empty vodka bottle, smashed it against a wall and we walked back out towards him. he stopped in he's tracks and we were standing about 15 meters apart, both holding bottles, me and alex were going nuts at the guy, pretty much bluffing him out like we were going to fuck him up big time. then we just turned around and ran, luckily waving down a taxi not far down the road.
It was nearly 8 am by the time we got home and we were pretty fucking over the whole experience. me and alex didn't even say one word about it for the next few days, and it was about a week later that we told Leon what had happen. thats the most scared i've been this whole trip, and the only time we have been in any real danger like that. its good to look back on it now, but at the time it was pretty fucked up.
Thats when this guy got all werid, like super jelouse or something, then we exchanged words with him telling him to chill out or whatever, and he totally flips out, grabs alex and tries to pick pocket him in front of everyone, hes in a mad rush trying to slam his hand into alex pocket, where he's camera was. luckely alex is wearing mad skin tight jeans so its pretty much impossible for himself to get into the pockets let alone anyone else. me and alex are like what the fuck are you doing and it turns into a bit of scuffles with no punches, we push the dude away and tell him to get the fuck out of here, he pretty much just turns and runs up the street. while all that was going down the car of girls freaked out and took of aswell.
So alex and myself are like what the fuck just happened, that all happened in about 20 seconds, we decide to get a taxi out of here before we get in anymore trouble. we head up the street a bit and wait to wave down a cab, theres a few other people doing the same thing, and we talk to an english couple telling them what had just happen. we had only been waiting for around 5 minutes, when i see the guy who just tried to jump us walking back down, so i open my big mouth and start giving him a mouth full, when all of a sudden the mother fucker pulls out a smashed bottle from behind he's back and holds it directly inline with my face about a foot away. the english couple totally shit them self and run down the street. he had the bottle held up at me, then turned straight to alex and started walking him backwards.
I pretty much froze up and didnt know what to do. i didn't know if i should just run in a full king hit this prick, chuck a full brock lesnar death clutch hammer time on hes face or stay calm and get alex out of it to make a run for it, i was pretty much yelling "What the fuck are you thinking" whilst alex was just saying, "its all right, put down the bottle." Next thing I know alex has pushed this guy over and the guy ripped Alex's shirt while falling down, and we make a run for it up the street and around the corner.
We sat for a bit, still in shock and pretty shaken up. where we were sitting, we could see him but he couldn't see us, cause we were higher up. we saw he was walking up the road to come have another go at us. thats when i picked up an empty vodka bottle, smashed it against a wall and we walked back out towards him. he stopped in he's tracks and we were standing about 15 meters apart, both holding bottles, me and alex were going nuts at the guy, pretty much bluffing him out like we were going to fuck him up big time. then we just turned around and ran, luckily waving down a taxi not far down the road.
It was nearly 8 am by the time we got home and we were pretty fucking over the whole experience. me and alex didn't even say one word about it for the next few days, and it was about a week later that we told Leon what had happen. thats the most scared i've been this whole trip, and the only time we have been in any real danger like that. its good to look back on it now, but at the time it was pretty fucked up.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
we were going to running of the bulls in Pamplona spain, but we couldn't fly directly into spain, as it was going to cost to much, so the cheapest option was to fly into a near by country and use our eurail pass, to get down to Pamplona, so we decided on Tours, pronounced "to-rez" in france. the plan was to spend one night here then get on the train the next day down to spain. this was my first experience with a prick of a thing called "language barrier" and tours not being much of a tourist destination, we were like fish out of water.
We were staying in a decent location, so we decided to go out for dinner then go to bed, cause we had a massive train ride the next day. after a bit of walking around we stumbled into a huge square with pubs and restaurants around the perimeter. we started off drinking steins, if you don't know the size of a steins its a lot bigger than a pint, but a bit smaller than a jug, so its a fair effort to put one away before it goes warm. we started with rounds of 3, which pretty much started off the night of pure destruction. i think we necked about 6 each then moved onto another bar, this bar we went to had a massive jagermiester shrine that poured shots out of it, it was gnarly looking big deer head thing. we decided not to have any and just sit back and have a few more beers as we met some poms and they seemed pretty cool, i also saw a skinny dude walk past that looked a lot like my good friend Stefan of break even bondi gero fame, so i chased this dude down and got a photo of him, i think he was freaked out and the photo was blurry, what a bummer.
After a bit of time went by alex, leon and myself finally started having jager bombs, this session haunts me to this day and i wont drink the shit anymore, it just doesn't taste the same, i think it scared my throat and i pretty much spew up if i have one now. so we lined up six, two each. after that another heap were lined up, the number i cant remember, but it was more than 2 each. after that i only remember in parts and have had a lot of flashbacks from this night haha.
this is what apparently went down after drinking fucking jager, we were sitting at this table outside talking away, everyones chatting away, and i tilt my head to the side and unleash the biggest power spew in history and turn my head back into position to say "what" before anyone could say anything to me first. i get a glass of water, i'm 100% again and keen to kick on, leon bails home, so me and alex stay out to go to some nightclub. this bit is a bit of a haze, but me and alex still cant remember if we got into the night club, but i have a memory of standing inline but i don't know. so after a while of whatever we did, we decided to walk back to the hostel. now this was our biggest mistake, we hadn't written down the address and couldn't remember the name of the hostel, plus no one spoke a word of english. we had no idea how to get back cause we had walked down a load of streets, took turns and everything just trying to find somewhere to drink. so we were fucking lost in france.
so we walked along that until we found something familiar, but nothing was coming up, everyone we walked past we asked if they could speak english, all we would get is "no". this was becoming a joke, after an hour of walking around we came across to girls that spoke english, that were exchange students from the states, they had no idea where any hostel was in tours, plus alex freaked one of the girls out cause he kept asking to french kiss her haha. so after a bit more walking around, getting photos on top of cars and what not, we decide we head to the train station, because we had spent time there the day before sorting out ticket and we knew there was a mcdonalds which would be open. so we started on the mission to get a burger.
on the way a police car came past, and we waved it down for one last chance of finding this hostel, the policemen didn't speak english but i guess understood the word "lost" and hostel" which he had no idea was, he waved on a cab, and we jumped in, old mate driver didn't speak english ether, and the word hostel, wasn't even registering with him, so jumped out and kept on going to mcdonalds, by now it was like 4-5am and we were fucking tired, along the way we had a few lay downs, but knew we had to keep going. at one stage alex took a tarp off a table and chair set up from a restaurant and said we could use it as a sleeping bag if we had to sleep on the streets, i remember him saying " i've done this in north bridge before one night when i didn't have enough money for a cab, this shit is real life", he went on to tell me about he's night in north bridge when he slept on the street and drank a bottle of port with some old bloke, funniest shit ever. we think mcdonalds is never coming, and we pull up to sleep in the doorway of a restaurant, nice and undercover. we lay for about 5 minutes, then said "fuck this lets keep going"
were walking and walking, until we hit familiar territory, the train station and the big maccas sign, it was a great feeling, and we started to run down the street to our destination, but i knew something was wrong, there was no lights on in the mcdonalds store, we run right up to the door to find no one in there, it was closed, we couldn't fucking believe it. we had been lost for over 3 hours and our safe place wasn't even fucking open, the amount of yelling and kicking of bins that went down for the next 5 minutes was hectic haha. it was nearly 6 am, and the store didn't open till 7 am, so after we had let out our rage we sat down with backs to the wall, we thought we might as well sit it out, get a feed and find the hostel in the morning when it was light, as we had walked from there the day before.
next thing i know, i'm being woken up by a mcdonalds manager with a broom poking me in the guts saying something in french, i guess he was telling us to piss off homeless scum or something, me and alex looked at each other and knew we had made it through the night, and were going to be rewarded with a burger. 7 am sharp the doors opened, we both got large quarter pounder meals, which never tasted so good.
but it still wasn't over it was now 7.30 and we still had to get back to the hostel and get back to the train station by 11 to catch the train to spain. the next bit is fucked up cause we headed off again to find the hostel and it seriously took 15-20 minutes to get there, and we didn't take one wrong turn. so we pretty much we spent all night lost as fuck when the hostel was pretty fucking close. we got back at about 8 and went straight to sleep, leon wake us up at 10 and said to get our shit together and get out of here if were going to get on this train. the train ride was the worst the next day, i was so hung over. never again.
We were staying in a decent location, so we decided to go out for dinner then go to bed, cause we had a massive train ride the next day. after a bit of walking around we stumbled into a huge square with pubs and restaurants around the perimeter. we started off drinking steins, if you don't know the size of a steins its a lot bigger than a pint, but a bit smaller than a jug, so its a fair effort to put one away before it goes warm. we started with rounds of 3, which pretty much started off the night of pure destruction. i think we necked about 6 each then moved onto another bar, this bar we went to had a massive jagermiester shrine that poured shots out of it, it was gnarly looking big deer head thing. we decided not to have any and just sit back and have a few more beers as we met some poms and they seemed pretty cool, i also saw a skinny dude walk past that looked a lot like my good friend Stefan of break even bondi gero fame, so i chased this dude down and got a photo of him, i think he was freaked out and the photo was blurry, what a bummer.
After a bit of time went by alex, leon and myself finally started having jager bombs, this session haunts me to this day and i wont drink the shit anymore, it just doesn't taste the same, i think it scared my throat and i pretty much spew up if i have one now. so we lined up six, two each. after that another heap were lined up, the number i cant remember, but it was more than 2 each. after that i only remember in parts and have had a lot of flashbacks from this night haha.
this is what apparently went down after drinking fucking jager, we were sitting at this table outside talking away, everyones chatting away, and i tilt my head to the side and unleash the biggest power spew in history and turn my head back into position to say "what" before anyone could say anything to me first. i get a glass of water, i'm 100% again and keen to kick on, leon bails home, so me and alex stay out to go to some nightclub. this bit is a bit of a haze, but me and alex still cant remember if we got into the night club, but i have a memory of standing inline but i don't know. so after a while of whatever we did, we decided to walk back to the hostel. now this was our biggest mistake, we hadn't written down the address and couldn't remember the name of the hostel, plus no one spoke a word of english. we had no idea how to get back cause we had walked down a load of streets, took turns and everything just trying to find somewhere to drink. so we were fucking lost in france.
so we walked along that until we found something familiar, but nothing was coming up, everyone we walked past we asked if they could speak english, all we would get is "no". this was becoming a joke, after an hour of walking around we came across to girls that spoke english, that were exchange students from the states, they had no idea where any hostel was in tours, plus alex freaked one of the girls out cause he kept asking to french kiss her haha. so after a bit more walking around, getting photos on top of cars and what not, we decide we head to the train station, because we had spent time there the day before sorting out ticket and we knew there was a mcdonalds which would be open. so we started on the mission to get a burger.
on the way a police car came past, and we waved it down for one last chance of finding this hostel, the policemen didn't speak english but i guess understood the word "lost" and hostel" which he had no idea was, he waved on a cab, and we jumped in, old mate driver didn't speak english ether, and the word hostel, wasn't even registering with him, so jumped out and kept on going to mcdonalds, by now it was like 4-5am and we were fucking tired, along the way we had a few lay downs, but knew we had to keep going. at one stage alex took a tarp off a table and chair set up from a restaurant and said we could use it as a sleeping bag if we had to sleep on the streets, i remember him saying " i've done this in north bridge before one night when i didn't have enough money for a cab, this shit is real life", he went on to tell me about he's night in north bridge when he slept on the street and drank a bottle of port with some old bloke, funniest shit ever. we think mcdonalds is never coming, and we pull up to sleep in the doorway of a restaurant, nice and undercover. we lay for about 5 minutes, then said "fuck this lets keep going"
were walking and walking, until we hit familiar territory, the train station and the big maccas sign, it was a great feeling, and we started to run down the street to our destination, but i knew something was wrong, there was no lights on in the mcdonalds store, we run right up to the door to find no one in there, it was closed, we couldn't fucking believe it. we had been lost for over 3 hours and our safe place wasn't even fucking open, the amount of yelling and kicking of bins that went down for the next 5 minutes was hectic haha. it was nearly 6 am, and the store didn't open till 7 am, so after we had let out our rage we sat down with backs to the wall, we thought we might as well sit it out, get a feed and find the hostel in the morning when it was light, as we had walked from there the day before.
next thing i know, i'm being woken up by a mcdonalds manager with a broom poking me in the guts saying something in french, i guess he was telling us to piss off homeless scum or something, me and alex looked at each other and knew we had made it through the night, and were going to be rewarded with a burger. 7 am sharp the doors opened, we both got large quarter pounder meals, which never tasted so good.
but it still wasn't over it was now 7.30 and we still had to get back to the hostel and get back to the train station by 11 to catch the train to spain. the next bit is fucked up cause we headed off again to find the hostel and it seriously took 15-20 minutes to get there, and we didn't take one wrong turn. so we pretty much we spent all night lost as fuck when the hostel was pretty fucking close. we got back at about 8 and went straight to sleep, leon wake us up at 10 and said to get our shit together and get out of here if were going to get on this train. the train ride was the worst the next day, i was so hung over. never again.
It was only a week into the trip, leon, alex and myself had been staying out in mile end with old mate borlini, but it was only over the weekend while most of he's house was out at that massive glansibry concert, fucking Neil diamond played it. sick. we had to get out of there when everyone came home, so we booked into a hostel in victoria. pretty central location in london. i think we spent 3 nights there before heading to france.
one night the three of us headed out for a few beers, meeting up with Borlini and digby. beers went down easy to say the least, but the night didn't last long, as Borlini and Digby had to get the last tube back to mile end, so we all could it a night and headed in our separate ways.
on the walk back to the hostel me and alex picked up a few roadies for the short walk home, the best thing about london is you can pretty much drink anywhere you want, so it was pretty standard to neck a beer whilst on the walk, on arrival to the hostel. there was like 10 people out the front, i like to call these people hostel nerds, cause majority of em are artards back home and go over seas and think they're mad sick dogz or some shit, be your self you fucking morons. we sit down on some steps next door to the hostel, the pack of hostel nerds are carrying on like fucking clowns, being pretty loud in the street, kicking a mini soccer ball around being mega fags. there was even hostel staff member being a hell man trying to tune an unimpressed french girl which was pretty funny to observe.
so were sitting down minding our own business and next thing i know this fucking big splash comes down at us, pretty much landing at our feet but not getting on us. we were like what the fuck was that, where the fuck did that come from, to look up at a 3 story balcony above us and a lady standing there, then quickly walk back inside. the crazy women dropped a fucking hot bowl of soup at us, seriously if that thing had landed on our heads, we would of suffered 3 degree burns or some shit, i would have to wear a wig for the life. the soup was on the ground steaming, which prompted a bit of retaliation shout out, telling her to just fucking relax trent from punch bowl stylez. so pretty much we nearly got fucked up by soup because of the hostel nerds out the front being loud.
we were shaken up, so we thought it would be a good idea to go inside. me and alex got our laptops out and hit the common room to find a near full bottle of red wine and a passed out dude on the couch. alex grabbed the bottle of filled our empty beers cans up, we mad internet timed till the early hours of the morning whilst drinking a nice red, the passed out dude would wake up every now and then and try stay awake, but would just pass back out, thats when alex would go for the refill. alex and my self were pretty drunk by the end.
this was my first experience of alex polar bear roy harbutt in full mode and i knew it was going to be a good few months ahead with him. i'm pretty sure he wrote everyone on he's myspace a comment about him being in london drinking red wine and he even farted on the dudes face, which was pretty funny, considering he didn't know him and had stolen all he's wine.
the next morning i was talking to the girl behind the desk and told her about the crazy bitch dropping soup all over the place. i was told it wasn't the first time it had happened and people had come back into the hostel covered in soup. the lady has a problem with people being in the streets at night making noise, which is far enough, but to drop some mad hot soup on someone, what are you thinking women.
one night the three of us headed out for a few beers, meeting up with Borlini and digby. beers went down easy to say the least, but the night didn't last long, as Borlini and Digby had to get the last tube back to mile end, so we all could it a night and headed in our separate ways.
on the walk back to the hostel me and alex picked up a few roadies for the short walk home, the best thing about london is you can pretty much drink anywhere you want, so it was pretty standard to neck a beer whilst on the walk, on arrival to the hostel. there was like 10 people out the front, i like to call these people hostel nerds, cause majority of em are artards back home and go over seas and think they're mad sick dogz or some shit, be your self you fucking morons. we sit down on some steps next door to the hostel, the pack of hostel nerds are carrying on like fucking clowns, being pretty loud in the street, kicking a mini soccer ball around being mega fags. there was even hostel staff member being a hell man trying to tune an unimpressed french girl which was pretty funny to observe.
so were sitting down minding our own business and next thing i know this fucking big splash comes down at us, pretty much landing at our feet but not getting on us. we were like what the fuck was that, where the fuck did that come from, to look up at a 3 story balcony above us and a lady standing there, then quickly walk back inside. the crazy women dropped a fucking hot bowl of soup at us, seriously if that thing had landed on our heads, we would of suffered 3 degree burns or some shit, i would have to wear a wig for the life. the soup was on the ground steaming, which prompted a bit of retaliation shout out, telling her to just fucking relax trent from punch bowl stylez. so pretty much we nearly got fucked up by soup because of the hostel nerds out the front being loud.
we were shaken up, so we thought it would be a good idea to go inside. me and alex got our laptops out and hit the common room to find a near full bottle of red wine and a passed out dude on the couch. alex grabbed the bottle of filled our empty beers cans up, we mad internet timed till the early hours of the morning whilst drinking a nice red, the passed out dude would wake up every now and then and try stay awake, but would just pass back out, thats when alex would go for the refill. alex and my self were pretty drunk by the end.
this was my first experience of alex polar bear roy harbutt in full mode and i knew it was going to be a good few months ahead with him. i'm pretty sure he wrote everyone on he's myspace a comment about him being in london drinking red wine and he even farted on the dudes face, which was pretty funny, considering he didn't know him and had stolen all he's wine.
the next morning i was talking to the girl behind the desk and told her about the crazy bitch dropping soup all over the place. i was told it wasn't the first time it had happened and people had come back into the hostel covered in soup. the lady has a problem with people being in the streets at night making noise, which is far enough, but to drop some mad hot soup on someone, what are you thinking women.
well since i've been up on the mountain time has been going by really slowly, big white was planned to be open on the 24th of November, but due to lack of snow, the opening has been pushed back a week. i think at the moment there is 20 cm of snow, and they are looking for at least another 30 cm before opening.
so days are spent watching a lot of shit TV sitcoms e.g. my wife and kids, according to jim, will and grace ect ect.. fucking rubbish. I'm sick of it. there is pretty much only one pub everyone goes to and its already becoming stale. the village is pretty much a ghost town and all the people here are mainly employees of the mountain. so pre season seems like a bit of a drag, most places wont put new staff on till the season starts, cause its just not that busy at the moment. so its making it hard to find a job.
i watched a segment on the great outdoors the other day about big white, and it looked mega crazy packed out in the village with fireworks and john farnsy skiing around like a mad man. i guess thats what i have to look forward to.
so i thought i might as well do something productive whilst i have nothing to do and go through the last 5 months of my travels and write a couple of short, weird, lame, funny, stupid, not even that interesting stories of a few a places i've been to. i doubt anyone will actually understand what I'm talking about cause my writing is all over the place or it will be one of those "you had to be there" kinda things. but oh well fuck it.
so days are spent watching a lot of shit TV sitcoms e.g. my wife and kids, according to jim, will and grace ect ect.. fucking rubbish. I'm sick of it. there is pretty much only one pub everyone goes to and its already becoming stale. the village is pretty much a ghost town and all the people here are mainly employees of the mountain. so pre season seems like a bit of a drag, most places wont put new staff on till the season starts, cause its just not that busy at the moment. so its making it hard to find a job.
i watched a segment on the great outdoors the other day about big white, and it looked mega crazy packed out in the village with fireworks and john farnsy skiing around like a mad man. i guess thats what i have to look forward to.
so i thought i might as well do something productive whilst i have nothing to do and go through the last 5 months of my travels and write a couple of short, weird, lame, funny, stupid, not even that interesting stories of a few a places i've been to. i doubt anyone will actually understand what I'm talking about cause my writing is all over the place or it will be one of those "you had to be there" kinda things. but oh well fuck it.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
i left vancouver last friday on a bus to a town below the big white mountain called kewlona. i had no job, no accommodation lined up and no idea what was going to happen.
a week later, I'm a little studio apartment, where i can look at my window and see snow, i can walk out the door of the apartment block and snowboard if want to, i live next to the pub haha. ive spent allot of money getting this all set up and its going to be worth it. but im still jobless, but thats ok, it will work out
ur snowboarding maaan.

a week later, I'm a little studio apartment, where i can look at my window and see snow, i can walk out the door of the apartment block and snowboard if want to, i live next to the pub haha. ive spent allot of money getting this all set up and its going to be worth it. but im still jobless, but thats ok, it will work out
ur snowboarding maaan.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
By now most people would of seen this video of davey havok singing the project x cover with ceremony.
true hardcore, a fire inside, makes me wanna go vegan straight edge
straaaaaaaight fuucccckkkking eeeedddggeeee
but really im not to into all that, but the fact that havock attended a normal hardcore show suprises me, i actually thought he wouldnt bother at all anymore. he's looking pretty black sails era at the moment, which is good cause we all thought he was a cross dresser for a while. davey havock 4 prezident maaan.
true hardcore, a fire inside, makes me wanna go vegan straight edge
straaaaaaaight fuucccckkkking eeeedddggeeee
but really im not to into all that, but the fact that havock attended a normal hardcore show suprises me, i actually thought he wouldnt bother at all anymore. he's looking pretty black sails era at the moment, which is good cause we all thought he was a cross dresser for a while. davey havock 4 prezident maaan.
Moving up to the mountain tomorrow, found a house in the first few hours, biggest score.
celebrated hard last night.
now i just need a job.
celebrated hard last night.
now i just need a job.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Will Oelsnick the gate keeper of the bay, local football hero, non drinking party car driver and good friend.
do you feel you've come back 100% after breaking your leg in that horrific skateboarding accident on the mini quarter pipe at the Bunbury skate park?
That day was, indeed, a horrific day. I think I have recovered to an extent where I can say it doesn't affect me anymore. I only had 3 or 4 months off two stepping so it wasn't a big deal. Highlight of that whole incident was Chongy bringing me a Barely Legal pornographic magazine to hospital, then putting it just out of my reach with it open on a graphic image. I wasn't that popular with the nurses after that. but chongy launching a ping pong bat into my broken leg didn't speed up the recovery.
what do you think has been the best music release this year, I'm guessing your going to say new cold play?
Yeah new Coldplay is pretty sweet, but I prefer X&Y to it. Was new Lexicon this year? If it was definately record of the year. Iron Age 7". Extortion's "Sick". I just got Cruel Hand's new LP and it is good. Fuck, I always miss shit out in these "best of" lists. Would be heaps more that when I play next I will curse myself for leaving off.
I have yet to hear the full Trust Broken EP but if the leaked songs are anything to go by it is going to sit atop the pile.
do you have plans to grow your hair long again and reclaim the title " the OELSANATOR"?
I think it is up to the person who originally gave me the prestigous "Oelsanator" title, that been you. So many nights I deliberate this in my head. I seemed to actually get girls back in those days of flowing locks, Woodstock 440mls and Ruckus Trucks.
what was the naughtiest thing you did at school?
Not the naughtiest but I do remember been given a standing ovation by at least 100 students as I entered the school grounds with the seediest, dirtiest mullet.
I sent a pop up message to everyone in the school with a malicious rumor about some teachers and my friend Kyle Evill. I served some hard "Time Out" for that.
Pushing Kyle around in a wheelie bin scaring kids was good fun also. T
hese aren't that naughty but they are the most fun. Dropkneeing my moped onto the footpath was pretty cool too.
tell me about the best show you've been to, did you do a hard mosh?
I always do a hard mosh. Why would people go to shows if they didn't want to hard mosh. May as well listen to your iPod or something. Most Prince shows are up there. Bodyjar in 2001 when punk, pop/punk was at the height of it's powers was great. I pogoed, drank beer and pushed people a lot. Jaws last show at the Arthouse (feat Mindsnare/Extortion/SJN and Ontons Nose) was great too. Any Sunday HQ shows that Alan, You, David and me drove up too were great too.
Hard Luck and MA at the Prince when the bouncers chaired you around the Prince like you were Robert Harvey. To the strains of Worlds Apart been belted out acoustically by Horsnell, after first ejecting you from the premises was another level too.
hows work going?
Yeah not bad. Greig gets drunk sometimes and I end up waiting on site for a few hours before he comes. It's cool though because he is an all time legend. Katie has mastered the bullfloat and is on her way to cutting the pattern. We use Australind Pre Mix for hardstands now and it must be a condition that to work for them you have to have no teeth. I shudder to think I may end up like them. I'm just pushing stuff around, whether it be wheelbarrows or concrete. Kyle is the heart and soul of trowelboys though. Mad props K Dogg.
do you wanna break edge and get pissed when i come back to the homeland of roelands?
I'll say yeah. If I was going to start drinking again there would be no other place better. The sound of Danny Jameson cracking his stockwhip in the background while Chongy and Viv talk about fishing/diving around an open fire. May as well make throw in the Lexcen doing ringies and it's a certainty. Give it to me.
are you playing for peel or north melbourne next year?
I'll be playing for whoever is going to drop the most coin, so possibly North Melbourne. Let's face it, there is no loyalty left in football anyway. Give me the $$$. Also I have connections at North Melbourne having played with Winston Abraham. He told me that when he was living with John "Horse" Longmire", he was ironing his match day uniform and accidentaly ironed his dick. Apparently he has a huge member. I'm glad he is gone because my penis is average at best.
whats better at the bay? shit valley, left wall, right wall, the wall or the crane?
This is so tough. The crane was a big part of early bay days, I'm talking late 1998 here. When I would go to the beach with Viv with one bodyboard between us, before I got my Q Board for Xmas 98. So many times while surfing the wall in driving rain we would shelter under it's grease stained body. I have had my most memorable times there at the left wall though. I love skating down there after work to the sight of an over head high wedge perfectly forming, with no one out. I honestly believe that is when I am the most happiest in my life. I would rather surf waves like that by myself than pumping 6 foot waves down south. Memorable moments include Mark Calabrese's invert in 2002, it's on the authorised website. Camping down there most Spring holiday nights. Getting a bay card and driving down there. tristian Farmer, Colm Kavagnah, Steve Turner ruling. Owen Fenton aka backflip boy. Egg absolutely tearing every wave out there. I could go on for ever.
what is the best waves you've seen me catch he he he?
Walpole December 2006. Surfing House and you paddled into the wave of the day, a draining 4-5 Footer with a mutant Zone like appearance. I remember the look of sheer terror as you descended towards your doom. It was Andre Botha Tahiti Skins style. Jamo's lefts you seemed to rip too. Many waves in and around the bay, including DK go alongs at left wall.
would of you voted for xobamax?
Yes I would have. I heard he sold out at his celebratory party, but the guy is still cool. I hope he manages to turn the USA, and thus, the world in a better direction. If Tupac were alive now would he have to alter the lyrics of "Changes"? Because Mr Tupac, we have indeed seen a black president.
what is your best chongy story?
I'm sure between Chongy, Kyle and Dave Bill we could fill many A4 exercise books of their exploits. At the SWFL Grad Final last year, after a large night of drinking without sleep. The "Slabadactyl" really started to show. Both dactyl claws blazing, with childlike speech and movement skills he managed to offend or disgust almost everyone of the 6000 people present. He was kicked out of the beer tent 4 separate times. He also took a salad roll from the hands of a girl, had a bite then ditched it on the ground. With the day rolling to a close and grass all over his tongue, he took off in the direction of the Bunbury Football Club. But how to get there? He used his stealth like skils to steal a tyreless, chainless bicycle from a nearby house. It took him 15 minutes of full bore pedaling to realise his mistake. In true Chongy fashion he made the journey by pushing the bike along on it's rims with his bare feet to the football club.
He could tell it better and I'm sure the are are plenty of cooler ones to tell, but that was close to the maddest I've seen him. The Lizard King story is so good. Best heard when driving Dan's blue Subaru wagon.
would you rather win a Hayward medal or have stand or goal square of your choice named after you at the eaton oval?
I'd go with the stand. It would be amazing to hear a commentator in 50 years going "and the kick goes out to the Will Oelsnik wing". Ultimately, to captain Eaton's first premiership would mean more than a lot of things to me. If that happened I could definitely see myself putting the labrette back in and cracking open a 4 Litre flask of Fruity Lexia.
thanks will u r a mad dog. keep moshing, stay cold man, getachongyupya.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
so i've been in vancouver the last few nights, its a really nice city, i like it here.
the airline fucking left my bag in san fran, which doesn't surprise me one little bit as i've had luggage trouble with united airlines this whole trip. so i was bag-less for a night, which kinda sucked, but oh well
anyways, just been walking around the city and trying to get stuff sorted out of the winter. bus to kelowna on friday. no house or work lined up. defs just going to wing it hard and scam my way somehow into living in some flash house with hot babes. it always seems to work out.

the airline fucking left my bag in san fran, which doesn't surprise me one little bit as i've had luggage trouble with united airlines this whole trip. so i was bag-less for a night, which kinda sucked, but oh well
anyways, just been walking around the city and trying to get stuff sorted out of the winter. bus to kelowna on friday. no house or work lined up. defs just going to wing it hard and scam my way somehow into living in some flash house with hot babes. it always seems to work out.
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